Othmar Müntener

Lead Proponent, Chair of PSC, Petrology and Geochemistry
Short CV: 

Othmar Müntener is a Professor of Petrology at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). He received his PhD (1997) from ETH Zürich. He joined the faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences in Lausanne in 2006, after research stays at MIT, WHOI, Neuchâtel and Bern. He is a petrologist by training combining field studies, geochemistry, and experimental petrology. He is interested in magmatic aspects of geological processes, from melt production in the mantle to emplacement in the crust. He conducts field work in the Alps, Patagonia and the Himalayas, with a focus on subduction-related magmatic arcs and the evolution of continental crust and ocean-continent transitions. His current interest is in timescales of felsic plutonic systems.