

Project DIVE is designed to be also a precious source of investment in developing outreach and education platforms for schools, university students, formation of the next generation of researchers and the larger public. Outreach activities began already in the planning stage of the project, since the first contacts and collaborations with the al Grande National Park, the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Global Geopark and other local institutions and authorities.

Outreach activities are planned to all levels, from visits at the future drilling sites and seminars for the general public, to the involvement of graduate and undergraduate students who will participate in core sampling and description work on site, and early-career researchers who will carry out independent scientific projects within DIVE.

Outreach events

  • Public presentation of the plan for drilling operations at DT-1A to the local communities of Val d'Ossola. Pieve-Vergonte Municipality, October 15th 2023
  • Public presentation of Project DIVE to the local communities of Val d'Ossola. Ornavasso Municipality, November 24th 2022. Go to the annoucement...
  • Montanuniversität Leoben will conduct their annual geophysical field workshop in Ornavasso at the site of the Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (DIVE) DT-1b borehole. April 25th-30th 2022. Go to the news page.
  • Project DIVE. Technology for Cultural Heritage PhD Seminar series on Public Engagement’. Organizer: Marco Giardino, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italia. Seminars online. February 5th 2021.
  • Exploring the deep crust in the Sesia Val Grande Geopark. A scientific drilling project in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (DIVE). Organizer: Tulio Bagnati, Val Grande National Park, Ornavasso, October 10th 2020. Go to the event page.

Media mentions